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Joshua Stokes
Special Education Teacher
Special Education
(810) 591-0482
Brad Tankersley
Math Teacher
(810) 591-0449
Philicia Thomas
Special Education Paraprofessional
Special Education
(810) 591-0410
Mitzi Thornton
Food Services
(810) 591-0440
Betty Toye
Art Teacher
Applied Arts
(810) 591-0493
Brian VanDeventer
English Teacher
(810) 591-0472
Paige Weber
School Nurse
Student Services
(810) 591-0410
Avery Whitten
Math Teacher
(810) 591-0464
Gerilynne Williams
Special Education Teacher
Special Education
(810) 591-0467
Dawn Yankley
Special Education Teacher
Special Education
(810) 591-0495
Summer Zielke
Cook Aide
Food Services
(8100 591-0440