Christmas Express and Angel Tree forms are available now at each school building or by contacting Linden Community Education at: 810-591-0415. Angel Tree forms are due November 23, 2021.
REMINDER: Friday, October 22, 2021, is a Professional Development Day for staff, and a non-school day for students.
Linden Community Education along with Young Rembrants is hosting a fun evening event for you and your student. Come and create a playful Halloween Bat together. Tap into your inner Rembrants. Click here for the flyer:
Register soon as we are only taking 14 couples. Call Linden Community Education at 810-591-0415.
Central Elementary PALS Presents 4th Annual Creative Christmas Extravaganza December 8, 5:30-7:30 pm
Information on LCS Community Bulletin Board
The LMS StuCo. Novelty Spirit Wear Sale Closes Tomorrow!
Mrs. Clarke’s grade two Hyatt students collecting and making tally graphs of findings.
Central Elementary students constructing their robots during STEM with Mrs. Thorin. Next week they will be writing the related code!
Our girls golf team made us very proud this weekend while competing for a State Championship! Although we didn’t win, we still competed at a very high level and took 9th out of the 18 teams that were there. Very impressive and congratulations on a great season!!
The green diamond and green heart buses are running about 20 minutes behind.
1st graders are PUMPkin it up!
LHS FAFSA Night on Tuesday, November 9, 2021. Follow link for info #lindeneaglepride @LHSEagleNews
There is a good chance you have witnessed our Cross Country teams running through town - all of that training paid off last night as our Boys Cross Country team won the Flint Metro League Championship!! Congratulations gentlemen!
Our girls golf team proves that hard work pays off! Good luck at the State Championship this weekend!
We are experiencing some last minute staffing issues with our bussing this morning, which will cause delays in our morning pick up runs. Expect delays with the following busses: Purple Triangle, Purple Diamond, Orange Heart, Orange Star, Green Square. Thank you for your patience.
Michigan Jaguars Soccer Information now on the Community Bulletin Board.
Linden Community Schools Food Service Department has 4 positions available in our kitchens. Come join a great group of people and still be available for your kids before and after school. These positions are 3.5 hours daily, Monday through Friday, starting between 9:00 AM and 10:15 AM until 12:30 PM or 1:45 PM. Apply online at or call Michele Lubahn at 810-591-0435 with any questions. We look forward to working with you!
As evidenced by some of my favorite models, this year's shirts are WAY cuter in real life than they are on the website... I can only assume the same is true of the holiday ones!
You can order your 'Ugly Christmas" shirt and/or your novelty"EagleSOARus" t-shirt at the following link: There are ten days remaining before the sale closes.
All shipping to the building is free!
LMS StuCo.
Did you know that you can customize our mobile app to meet your individual needs? Click on the link for directions on how to customize your feed and app notification settings.
Linden Community Schools is hiring for multiple positions! Come join our great team! Click on the following link to apply:
Due to a recent upgrade in our student information system (which includes ParentVue), it is necessary to resubmit key documents for acknowledgement. These documents include the 2021-2022 Parent/Student Handbook, the 2021-2022 Acceptable Use Policy, and the district’s Chromebook Policy for students in grades 6-12.
Parents/Guardians will be asked to acknowledge these documents before proceeding to the ParentVue home screen. We appreciate all that our parents do to keep their students’ information up-to-date with our district and apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
In addition, at the same time we will close the 2021-2022 Summer Acknowledgement queue in online registration that was used to update student information for the current school year. Moving forward, the CURRENT Student Information Update queue is available for notifying your student’s school of changes information such as address, emergency contacts and medical information.